Consult the price per m2 immobilier Vitry

​Annonces VITRY LYON (69003) - MONTCHAT allows you to estimate the price per m2 of your house, apartment, Studio Val-de-Marne on our department. This estimation tool is also suitable for all French cities and towns (Vitry ...).

Consult price/m2

price/m2 VITRY-SUR-SEINE - sale

house / villa VITRY-SUR-SEINE (94400) Price/m2 VITRY-SUR-SEINE

Type ​Low average Average High average
3 370 €/m2 5 077 €/m2 7 006 €/m2

apartment / studio VITRY-SUR-SEINE (94400) Price/m2 VITRY-SUR-SEINE

Type ​Low average Average High average
2 967 €/m2 3 950 €/m2 5 328 €/m2


Type ​Low average Average High average
877 €/m2 1 853 €/m2 3 199 €/m2

land to build VITRY-SUR-SEINE (94400) Price/m2 VITRY-SUR-SEINE

Type ​Low average Average High average
488 €/m2 956 €/m2 1 474 €/m2
The robots of the ID Network have weighted the price per m2 of houses Vitry-sur-seine for sale and the price per m2 of the apartments Vitry-sur-seine for sale without exterior surfaces (land, garden, terrace, etc.)

house / villa VITRY-SUR-SEINE (94400) Price/m2 VITRY-SUR-SEINE

Type ​Low average Average High average
2 872 €/m2 4 371 €/m2 6 102 €/m2

apartment / studio VITRY-SUR-SEINE (94400) Price/m2 VITRY-SUR-SEINE

Type ​Low average Average High average
2 948 €/m2 3 941 €/m2 5 317 €/m2

Price Analysis m2 VITRY-SUR-SEINE (94400)

In December 2022, we can see that the prices m2 Vitry-sur-seine (94400) vary according to the type of property and the exteriors of Vitry-sur-seine (94400) (land, garden, terrace ...) that the ID Network has weighted for you.


For transactions carried out on Vitry-sur-seine (94400), the price m2 Vitry-sur-seine (94400) of houses / villas is in average of 5077 €/m2 included in a range going from 3370 €/m2 to 7006 €/m2 excluding weighting of exteriors.
After weighting the exterior surfaces (land, garden, terrace, etc.) of the houses / villas in Vitry-sur-seine (94400), the ID robots estimate an average price per m2 of 4371 €/m2 .


The price m2 Vitry-sur-seine (94400) is on average 3950 €/m2 for apartments / studios and may vary between 2967 €/m2 and 5328 €/m2 excluding weighting of exteriors.
The ID robots have calculated the prices per m2 of apartments / studios Vitry-sur-seine (94400) without external surfaces (land, garden, terrace ...) and obtain an average price per m2 of 3941 €/m2 .

All these prices per m2 are calculated in relation to the prices observed on the net for the last 6 months. This remains a benchmark to indicate a price range for the estimation of your property but does not replace a real estimate made by a real estate professional.

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